Archive for February, 2008

Wednesday nights go something like this:

So on Wednesday nights I work for the hungry hoards to feed them either Quesadillas, Pasta or Stir Fry (we used to do Omelets, but we don’t talk about it anymore).

Tonight we cooked Stir Fry (with a surprising low number of people). So we get these huge lines of people and Joe Schmoe comes up to our little skillets and places his order: “I want everything!” I start to pick up the tongs to the onions “–Wait! Everything but onions.” Don’t even get me started on THOSE people.

Here is my question though… what is my relationship to these people that I am entertaining and cooking for all at the same time? Are we acquaintances? “Oh yeah, Laura Kennedy. She’s that girl that does that cook in front of you thing on Wednesdays right?” I don’t even know some of these people’s names. I say “Next”, they come up and place their order… I feel like something is missing in our relationship… I think I will ask their names or something next time.

After we shut down our Demo Cooking (the official title), I go back and work with the cooks assistant: Chelsea. Chelsea is awesome! We talk about Shakespeare class and how we would rule the world if we were in charge (slight exaggeration). Shes super smart, and funny, and engaged to a fellow Lost junkie. We label food, clean the counters and floor and take out the trash. Many a laugh has been performed downstairs at the dumpsters.

On another note: I picked up Steve Thayer’s football uniform for my photo shoot. I will put the final picture of my t-shirt design on here soon.Steve’s Helmet (Me in Steve’s helmet)

I keep having dreams about Ruth Anne Ledgerwood, or rather, she joins my dreams and is either just there, or plays some integral part… what does it all mean?!

I’m Old

Iv’e been thinking lately about how my time at college is almost over. I know what I want to do when I get out, so sometimes I get a bad case of Senioritis and just want to quit! And then comes the “Oh my word… I will be a Senior next year.” Lynn (woman that works in the Maranatha dining hall) was talking one morning during chapel work hour about there were only 70 something days until the semester is over, and it hit me again, “Oh my word… I will be a Senior in 70 something days!”

At least I’m not like Andrew Mosier (friend) and can say, “Oh my word, I will be 30 in 9 years! THIRTY!!” Even though I will be 30 in 10 years, it doesnt bother me. And being a Senior does not bother me either… but its how much I have grown here at college that is always good to reflect on.

Becky was saying tonight how hard it was to have to say goodbye to the little Freshmen she put so much time into to train for softball, and now they are cut from the team. That is where the inspirtation for this post comes from. I used to be a Freshman?!

DCBecky and I as Freshmen

Sophomore yearMy Sophomore year

JuniorMy Junior year

So then after reflecting on the fact that I used to be a youngster… I thought I would let all of you reflect on how much I have grown up these past 3 years with a little visual. Enjoy and feel free to comment…

On the Cold War of our nation and of my body

My recent reading in my Post-WWII history class was on the Kennedy administration, mainly focusing on the Hot/Cold War in the early 1960’s. (Man I wished I lived back then!) I read this chapter after I wrote a report on why Kennedy should or should not be voted as the #4 President of all time (right above a #5 George Washington). I gave reasons why people did vote him so high: Popularity from his Camelot reign, his dealings with the Civil Rights movement (even though, he decided to act long after it got bad), his dealings with the Cuban Missile Crisis, and his assasination.

Then I actually read the chapter on Kennedy’s policies during his years as President. Nuclear war was such a frightening reality back then, that I can’t imagine even living with that kind of fear. If I were a little American girl (a little Suzie Smith with pig-tails and a frilly, mommy-made dress), just hearing on my techni-color TV that my country could be on the brink of a nuclear war, I would be looking to the leaders in my life for comfort and assurance: dad, mom, and my country’s leader.

Since Kennedy “eneded” the conflict with Khrushchev, he instantly became one of the most popular presidents, giving security to Americans who for years had been looking over their shoulders for a red commie or bomb. Way to gain a #4 spot, Kennedy, but I would give you a #20, maybe.

Sick (This is me as a sickling, while studying for a Shakespeare test)

As to the Cold War on my body: It has been better today, although the coughing is starting to bruise my sternum. I will never go back to the health center unless I am profusely rejecting sickness from my mouth (throwing up). Why do I not want to go back to such a place? The Health Center is split into 2 floors; the girls go downstairs where the entire place is covered in Pepto Bismol pink! The Pillows, the bedspread, the walls, the lamps, the pictures, the towels, even the board games lying on the dressers have pink lettering! The boy’s upstairs is just the same: everything blue. It’s not only the pink, but the lonely boredom and plasticness of the pillows (*crunch *crunch as my head positions a somewhat comfortable position.

To end the day on sickness, during Chambers Singers (my choir) practice, I lipsinked everything except for my Alto notes that were super low. I struggled to hit anything above an E. . . An E above Middle C.

I’m Thankful

for Recent and Contemporary America! (My post-WWII history class)

Why you ask?

Because it pushes me to know whats going on in the my country, politically. I’m the type of person that has to be pushed to accomplish something. I am very thankful that Mr. Licht posts thought provoking questions that pushes us to think.

I signed up for The New York Times to e-mail me, which is awesome because all you need to do is read the headlines and you know whats going on.

I owe a huge thank you to Jon Mess for introducing me to “the best class I have ever taken in my [3] years at this institution.”

We have really good discussion about policies that have been made during times of war and crisis; and then we discuss how we would handle the policies.

Even though his quizzes are killer, I love the class.

Valentine’s Day

The smell of $60 bundled roses, the sound of “You are my Valentine, my only Valentine” ringing throughout the halls, the sight of bright red stinging the eyes… yep, it’s Valentine’s Day!

Usually I boycott this day for the reason that it just doesnt matter to me (for instance: I wear all black). But I decided to embrace Valentines Day and wear red!! and black. It’s interesting that we wear red on Valentines Day. The celebration itself is odd because of the St. Valentine’s Day massacre… is that why we wear red (referring to blood)? Something to think about.

Anyway, this year I actually had a valentine: My Apologetics paper. He was faithful. We spent the whole day together pretty much. I skipped my class for him, I got a sub for work for him. We had a good time. I was done hanging out at about 4:59 (my paper was due at 5:00). Literally, I was fixing the footnotes and bibliography for like 30 minutes and I was down to the wire, freaking out, and then I set up the e-mail, and got it sent at 4:59 with my paper in the attachment… and then I breathed a sigh of relief!! While hanging with my Valentine (This is me while I’m writing my paper. Took a little break to drink some Jones.)

Kristin Heesen told me her dream she had the night before which went a little something like this: It was Northland Vs. Maranatha in the gym, but it wasn’t basketball. Every one was dressed like pirates, and I was on the court. Not only was I a pirate, I had a red mohawk! And instead of basketball the game was: come behind the person and put your plastic sword against their throat! hahaha!! I was dying laughig! Only Kristin Heesen would dream such things….


So here is a little blog about the progress on GrassRootsMedia:

I have 4 thangs goin on at the moment: 1. Design a new Crazies shirt (for those of who arent at Maranatha, our school comes out with these school spirit type shirts during basketball season) for the Fall sports 2. Design a new logo for the soccer team 3. Make a movie for Student Body 4. Make a movie for my church on I Corinthians 13.

This would all be a lot easier if I had photoshop on my Mac. I actually found it for $300 on an academic software site. It was originally $1000! Good deal! Not that I actually bought it. I think I will stay a student as long as possible to keep getting these sweet discounts!

Iv’e e-mailed all my “models” for the Crazies shirt so hopefully we (Jacob Job and I) can shoot them infront of the green screen pretty soon. I am hoping next week sometime.

By the way, I have THE coolest job ever!! As Mel said when I was shooting, “This doesn’t feel like a real job. It’s like hey, I get paid to walk around and video people and events!”
First Meeting