Archive for Happenstances

How I Spent My SpRiNg BrEaK in movies

  1. Changling – Very good. True stories are really IN these days, and this was a very well written and directed one. Angelina does a different acting job than I’ve ever seen her do, and it was very good. Really shows the corruption of the LAPD back then. It kept me on my toes up to the last moment. Good thriller.
  2. Rachel Getting Married – Shot like an Indie film so I automatically loved it. It was scored live during filming, which is amazing and just SWEET because the wedding band was constantly playing or playing around with their instruments. Real to life, cuz thats what musicians really do when they get together.
  3. Alexander – Just bad. Bad story telling writing. Bad child actors (I hate bad child actors). Homosexual scenes. Battles were pretty cool. Unnecessary blood. It’s not worth it.
  4. Slumdog Millionaire – Very good. No wonder it won those awards and nominations. It was brilliantly written. Telling the story of just how slummy it is in the bad parts of India. The writer was definitely saturated with Indian culture and the reality of a boy like that actually experiencing all that he did. I love the love story aspect of it too. It held two plots without overloading you. It just worked perfectly.
  5. Skulls – I had seen the ending, and now I got to see the whole thing. It’s very predictable, not so good acting, interesting story. I watched it on a high intensity HD TV so the whole time my eyes were freaked out by how the whole movie looked like a history channel documentary. That’s when I discovered that I’m not that big of a fan of that Blue Ray/HD look. I’m sure I’ll get over it though.
  6. The Duchess – The Duke was a jerk! I really liked this movie. Another true story one, those don’t usually have happy endings… that’s real life for you. Kiera isn’t that bad of an actress. She just lives in period pieces. But anyway, the movie was good. The writing of the character of the Duke just made you wanna strangle him. When she had to give up the baby I almost cried… almost. All in all very good.
  7. Becoming Jane – Not sure why it took me so long to see this, but it was pretty good. Not sure if Anne Hathaway really pulled off her time period, but maybe that’s just because my mind couldn’t fathom her outside of the US in the 2000s. I think there falling in love could have been a little more evident. It happened too quick, but when it did happen it was very cute. Course, everyone falls in love really quickly in those movies. This was sad ending #2 of my movie binge the other day. But honestly, it was a good movie.
  8. No Country For Old Men – What in the world! Crazy Mexican goes around killing people with a pressurized oxygen tank all for $2 Grand. Horrible ending! I didn’t understand the overall point, unless it was the power of fear and how greed takes control of the mind. I wondered the whole time if this movie had a soundtrack, then I realized what it would be:

    Track 1: Dust and wind from the Desert
    Track 2: The sound of locks being pressurized out of their sockets
    Track 3: Gushing blood from people’s heads and necks
    Track 4: Dogs growling and being shot and whining
    Track 5: Shot guns
    Track 6: Mexican Mumbling
    Track 7: People taking their last breaths
    Track 8: Pressurized locks (DJ Schnizzle Remix)
    Track 9: The car wreck
    Track 10: The Final Speech of Ed Tom

  9. August Rush – This was cute. Very musical. Enjoyed the guitar playing a lot. Didn’t like the way he banged the guitar. In theory it works, but its not the way you learn to play. It was a little bit magical, but it really wasn’t for my age group anyway. I liked the ending, but for goodness sakes: If I hadn’t seen the man of my dreams in 10 years I would have been a little more taken back by the sight of him! But I understand, the kids music was mesmerizing them. She was an excellent cello player (or cello faker). I may even download a few songs.
  10. Twilight – I found it interesting. I may even read the books now, because I hear their hard to put down once you stop. Although I hear the movie doesn’t do the books justice (does any movie?). I like Bella the character and the actress. I don’t like the cheesy effects of the running vampires and when Edward tingles in the light. We’ll see how I like the books.

~Of all of these I would recommend: Slumdog Millionaire and Rachel Getting Married. ~

No flash photography

The promo DVD for school has become this capstone project that never ends. There are always more video clips to get, always more events to stalk.

Well, the last event I “stalked” was the Nursing home society. I’m actually relatively OK with nursing homes. My old youth group in NC used to go every month. I had this feeling that I might make the residence feel uncomfortable with my camera, but they didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe their cataracts were acting up and they didnt see me clearly.

Not the one in Waterown, obviously

Not the one in Waterown, obviously

I got some good shots of the college students singing, and then from behind me emerges Esther Calvino. With the huge Cannon SLR. Well now im sure these people feel bombarded: video and photo at the same time.

Esther is shooting away. You can hear the clicks for miles. I started shooting pictures with the mini cam (great HD shots), then this lady comes in the room and tells Esther that she can’t take pictures in there (which will mark the 2nd time in 2 weeks that Ive been scolded for filming [supreme court room in Madison, not pretty]).

So we were successfully kicked out of a nursing home. I can mark that on my bucket list.

it’s been awhile

Seeing as how its been about 9 months since I last wrote in this, I thought I would start again.

I was kind of inspired to start blogging again by looking at websites in WebDesign class with Jeremiah (it is a little strange to be instructed by someone you work with, but I cant think of a better person to teach webdesign). Searching through smashingmagazine under this texture feature they had, there was an amizing website that a guy blogs and deisgns on – Check it out

If you have forgotton what I look like, here I am:

At the carnival at Northland I was the resident balloon maker

At the carnival at Northland I was the resident balloon maker

Lots has happened since Northland. I am doing a lot more work in the Communications office. We produce a weekly webcast, that I am basically in charge of writing and rough editing. I work Stage Crew. Thats been my dream job since Ive been here and now I finally have the job.

Its my last semester here the great Natha. Bitter-sweet. But since it is my last semseter, Ive been reflecting on how to leave my stamp here. I am privileged to be the President of my dorm and that gives me plenty of opportunities to leave my stamp/footprints. But something that Im struggling with is whether or not the girls will remember as a spiritual leader as opposed to just one who knows how  to entertain and plan things. I guess thats up to me.

A Wedding Roadtrip to Remember

I’ve been to 14 weddings in my life. Out of those 14, Iv’e stood in 4, performed in 1, danced in 2. Iv’e got one on the way in June (no dancing involved, just standing). Chelsie and Jon’s wedding was by far the most unique. Ive never been friends of the bride and groom, and this will be my 2nd college friends wedding I have attended so far. What made this wedding so far out and unique was how we got there. Allow me to explain:

It all started on Mel’s birthday, May 9. Midnight was wrung in by watching Rat Race, but I’m sure she didn’t mind terribly. Little sleep was received by anyone that night. When we actually awoke, we both headed off to work. Nothing real interesting there, but I did get someone to work my lunch shift (blessings!). I headed out to find an outfit for the wedding (yes, on the day I was leaving). Long story short, I passed up a $140 outfit for a $50 outfit (the shoes were more than the top… How is that?). Swifty finally showed up at the house about 7:00. Mel, Swift and I were off to Minnesota.

Before we got in the car, Mel says in response to being able to watch a movie on the way, “Watch, his cigarette lighter wont work.” I say something to the effect of, “You pessimist.” We get in the car. Swift says, “Hey you got any tunes?” I say “Yeah, on my computer. I can plug in my computer with this.” “My cigarette lighter doesn’t work.” Mel and I exchange a look. And that was just the beginning.

“Do you know how to get to Chelsie’s?” I ask. “Nope, but maybe Troy Poorman does. I’m staying at his house.” says Swifty. . . . . . Mel -“How were you planning on getting a gift before the wedding?” Me *A look of slight panic* “I guess we can borrow someone’s car and shop.” *Brilliant idea strikes my head* “Hey Swift, have you gotten them a gift yet?” “Nope.” “Wanna go out tomorrow and get one?” “Sure!”

Me-“Oooo a Koosh ball!”

Me-“Shoot, I dont even have Chelsie’s address to get the key to the neighbor’s.”

Me-“Perhaps there is a wireless signal at this rest stop. . . nope.”

We arrive at Troy’s house after 5 hours. I find a wireless signal. I get the address. We pull away. We drive around the neighborhood till we find Chelsie’s. Got the key and a piece of paper with the directions on it. Can’t find the house. Drive back to Chelsie’s. *Flash Back* — “Ok Chelsie, so what your saying is, technically we could walk behind your house and walk to your neighbors house.” “Well yeah I guess.” *End Flash Back* We do just that. With a blow dryer concealed so no one thinks we are a bunch of robbers, we walk though Chelsie’s backyard. We walk in, never see the owner. We even leave the next morning never seeing the owner of the house! We even go to wedding and never meet her!

The morning of the wedding went something like this: Swift-“I think i’m in front of the house.” *Open door* “You are!… how did you find it?!” “I -don’t -know.” Swift-“Let’s go to target.” “We should pick up that couch.” “I feel under-dressed.”

Mel and I walk arm in arm with Swifty into Target. “I’m getting the hot chocolate frother!” “You bite!”

The kitchen aisle. “What does it even look like…” “Hey! The juicer!” Mel-“It’s not metal.” Me-“So.” Swift-“Are these the mixing bowls?” . . . Me-“Let’s get them the DVD player.” Mel-“Wanna split it?” Swift -“Wait, wanna split it three ways?” So Mel, Swift, and I all split a gift. We borrowed wrapping paper from the Poorman’s, forgot a card, had to get one, Swift threw away the directions to the church, dug in the trash, signed the card in the car.

The wedding was beautiful. Quick. Jon tried to kiss her after one of the prayers. That was unique. Free bags of chocolate!! Greatest wedding gift ever.


There comes a time in everyone’s semester, when he or she just needs to get away. Needs to escape. Escape to anywhere. Anywhere could just be your car. Anywhere could be a deserted island. Anywhere could be… New England…

So much is happening just in this last week of school before Spring Break, that it is pushing me towards a cry for escapism. As Mel mentioned on her blog , I need an escape from the mundane. And although each new day brings some kind of happiness or drama to make it less mundane, I just need to “get outta Dodge” longer than 4 hours (in reference to David, Mel, Becky, and my outings to anywhere but Watertown in Dodge county).

But, there is one night of complete escapism which I will have the privilege to grasp before I head for my 2 week tour to New England. I have been cordially invited to watch movies until I fall asleep at Jen Adam’s house with Mel and KT. Movies include: What’s Up Doc (which Ruth Anne says is THE best movie ever, and Mr. Midcalf would agree), Across the Universe (Musical Beatles movie-totally Sweet!), Becoming Jane, … and a great assortment of Joanna’s favs. The Ledgerwoods are pretty much the coolest people ever.

Movies shall become my escapism. Movies would be my constant (besides Chelsie).

I will be posting (hopefully) a journal type blog during my tour. So, look for that craziness.

Today: I got to be behind the camera of an actual Maranatha production with actors, not just the everyday life of students and buildings, not just the question and answer set up of the interviews… Rob actually trusted me to shoot this video!! He was an actor, so someone had to do it. I learn so much from him, just observing him and listening to how he sets up a set and how he tells me what kind of shots he wants. I got to experiment and I was learning what kind of shots I like while I experiment! It was the greatest 2 hours of my life! I love my job!!!!!

Tomorrow: Pick up my wool coat from the dry cleaners… my $16.19 dry cleaned coat… Don’t even get me started. At least it doesnt smell like chili anymore… as for the rest of my outfit….

Valentine’s Day

The smell of $60 bundled roses, the sound of “You are my Valentine, my only Valentine” ringing throughout the halls, the sight of bright red stinging the eyes… yep, it’s Valentine’s Day!

Usually I boycott this day for the reason that it just doesnt matter to me (for instance: I wear all black). But I decided to embrace Valentines Day and wear red!! and black. It’s interesting that we wear red on Valentines Day. The celebration itself is odd because of the St. Valentine’s Day massacre… is that why we wear red (referring to blood)? Something to think about.

Anyway, this year I actually had a valentine: My Apologetics paper. He was faithful. We spent the whole day together pretty much. I skipped my class for him, I got a sub for work for him. We had a good time. I was done hanging out at about 4:59 (my paper was due at 5:00). Literally, I was fixing the footnotes and bibliography for like 30 minutes and I was down to the wire, freaking out, and then I set up the e-mail, and got it sent at 4:59 with my paper in the attachment… and then I breathed a sigh of relief!! While hanging with my Valentine (This is me while I’m writing my paper. Took a little break to drink some Jones.)

Kristin Heesen told me her dream she had the night before which went a little something like this: It was Northland Vs. Maranatha in the gym, but it wasn’t basketball. Every one was dressed like pirates, and I was on the court. Not only was I a pirate, I had a red mohawk! And instead of basketball the game was: come behind the person and put your plastic sword against their throat! hahaha!! I was dying laughig! Only Kristin Heesen would dream such things….