What would the world be like with multiplied mes

I had an encounter the other night with a few girls, discussing one of those hot topic issues in our little Christian circles. This particular topic sets me on fire: Meaning it makes me mad and frustrated.

One of the girls was not on my side and I got upset. Upset, but I didn’t show that I was upset at her. Instead I meditated on the incident. Here’s the deal, I’m a little more liberal than she is, on more than this issue (That’s usually how it goes). I wished at that moment to convince her to have the same views as me. How can you convince someone of that though? Someone with more conservative views would have a tough time converting to a liberal slant with just one “lecture.”

Then I realized, the world is not full of mes for a reason. This girl is looked up to as closer to God than some faculty members. I’m glad shes not like me. This world needs people like her. She is full of character, smart (street and book), beautiful, caring, and cautious.

I guess the world needs people like me as well. I push envelopes on occasion, I’m good with things that she isn’t, and visa versa. A balance of people that are conservative and edgy-conservative is needed in our circles. How could things ever move forward the way they need to without them?

Yet it is a little frustrating when you bump heads. But Christianity would be a little too dark with me running it. Hail to the older wiser conservatives for standing for what they believe in.

too many mes

too many mes

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