KenOughts on Lost

Ok, at first I thought they were flashbacking to the first episode, I was gladly wrong after a few seconds.

This episode asks a lot more questions. Like what happens to the rest of the people on the plane. I hope they all get nose bleeds right away and die, because I think they have enough characters. May sound harsh, but it is a TV show.

Locke: Death by hanging. How noble.

Why cant they just go to the island? Why does it have to be the same way.

Ben: A loose end that needs tying up? Cliche? I think not. He looks a little beaten up…

I will not comment on Jack and Kates scene, except that it was all done in anger… and Kate knows how to control situations.

Meat celars creep me out!

Locke looks pretty good for a dead guy.

OK you totally cant bring your guitar on the plane, much less let it sit right beside you.

Who is Frank Lepidus?
OH!!! Holy crap!!!

Great episode overall. It’s exciting that they are back on the island. And Jin must be in his own time warp for him not to recognize Jack, Kate, and Hurley right away… Strange!

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